European Heritage Volunteers Project Partners Meeting 2019
The PERICLES partners from UAVR participated in the annual meeting “European Heritage Volunteers Project Partners Meeting 2019”, which took place from 24-29th November in Tyniec Benedictine Monastery, Poland, and presented a proposal for volunteering activities and education in the field of heritage in Aveiro for 2020.
The proposal focuses in volunteers for artisanal salt production as cultural heritage preservation (demo P3), and is a collaboration with the YOCOCCU Portugal – Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage ( If successful it will bring 12 volunteers to work and learn about traditional saltpans and salt production in Portugal, for two weeks in July (2020). See the presentation attached for more detailed information.
Parallel to the meeting they was also a conference which we took part. The conference “Volunteering for Heritage. Acting together in Europe”, organised by the European Heritage Volunteer Association in collaboration with the Polish National Heritage Institute.
The presentation can be found here: EuropeanHeritageVolunteers
To see more photos and information check out the EHV facebook here.