
Handbook: Sustainable governance of marine and coastal heritage methods, tools, and approaches now online!

Our new handbook Sustainable governance of marine and coastal heritage methods, tools, and approaches is now freely available online. Cultural heritage enriches our lives, shaping the ways we live and work and the places where we live, and contributing to our identities. It is a shared source of inspiration and prosperity, as well as providing […]

Histories of seaweed in Finistère.

Histories of seaweed in Finistère Abstract of the book in English   This book presents the evolution of the seaweed industry in Brittany, harvesting and processing, from 1681 to the present day.  It is based mainly on historical documents and presents seaweed harvesting, processing industry, the living conditions of coastal populations and harvesters, etc. The […]

News from Brittany Demo B2

Case region Brittany demo b2 events The richness and diversity of the natural environments of the Gulf of Morbihan have led populations to develop, since prehistoric times, coastal activities which have nourished the identities of this territory. Its very indented coasts, estuaries, rivers and abers have favoured the creation of specific coastal installations to take […]

Prize Winner

Announcing the winner of the Map our Heritage prize draw! We want to send a big thank you to everyone from the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Estonia who participated in our campaign and helped make it a success! And a special congratulations to Colin Halliday, Scotland, UK, the winner of our ‘Map Your Heritage’ […]

Journées européennes du patrimoine

Journées européennes du patrimoine du PNRGM Les 16, 18 et 19 septembre 2021. 1/Conférence : Archéologue sous-marin, de Vingt mille lieues sous les mers à l’archéologie préventive Jeudi 16 septembre à 18h00 au Palais des Arts – Salle de l’auditorium – entrée libre. Le pass sanitaire est obligatoire (schéma vaccinal complet, test négatif de moins […]

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